bilateral hydronephrosis

bilateral hydronephrosis

Bailey is a 4 yr old fs DSH taken to her rDVM fro her annual exam.  Big kidneys were palpated.  An ultrasound was done and bilateral hydronephrosis was diagnosed and she was given 60 days to live.  She acts normal at home except for drinking more  water.  Her Creat is 3.5 and she urinates normally…

tumor or thrombus

Sammy is a 12 yr old mn Lhasa/bichon cross.  Lately he has been pd/pu and urinating in the house at night.  HIs lab work was normal (no alk phos or ggt elevation)  His u/a showed a sg  of 1.020.  He was treated with a course of cipro but it made no difference in his signs. …

Rabitt bladder

This 6 year old rabbit has been pd/pu.  on radiograph a stone was not seen.  wanted your opinion on if there is a stone in this bladder or colon shadow.

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