Echogenic mass vs. echogenic pleural effusion in a 15 yr old cat
15 year old MN indoor DSH presented to primary vet for dyspnea-abdominal breathing. Suspect that this is chronic as cat appeared stable. Noncardiac thoracic exam shows the heart to be surrounded by echogenic content that appears solid in some views with possible intralesional vessels. Small pockets of anechoic fluid can be seen on transverse views. …
Ureteral stent in a 12 yr old MN Yorkie with TCC
12 yr old mn Yorkshire Terrier dx with bladder TCC in February of 2018. Was tx with chemotherapy at the U. Ureteral stent placed at the beginning of this month due to obstruction at the urinary papilla. Only able to successfully place one stent on the left side. Both kidneys have had progressive cortical cysts…
Would you FNA this?
13 year old mn Jack Russell Terrier presented for evaluation for treatment for severe dental disease. Had a dental performed one year ago at another clinic and experienced adverse cardiac effects. Chest radiographs show a mass adjacent to the right atrium and possible other nodules in the chest. Dog has runs of tachycardia (>200bpm) but…
Possible RV enlargement without RV hypertrophy in HW positive dog
13 month old FS terrier X adopted from shelter in January – originally from Mississippi. Proheart was administered in January. Suffered episode of acute collapse while on vacation in California about 5 days ago. Presented to ER 2 days later for lethargy and diarrhea. CBC and mini chem panel performed by ER showed eosinophilia (2.45…
Artifact vs. true pathology in cranial mediastinum
I am reposting this as it dissappeared from the live feed when I added the lateral chest radiograph. Would like to get more opinions on as to what we could be seeing on the lateral chest rad. This 14yr old mn DSH belongs to a colleague. He had acute onset bilateral rear leg ataxia 3…
Gastric distention and unregulated diabetes in a 10 year old mixed breed dog
10 year old dog initially presented to the first veterinarian for bilateral rear leg ataxia. The clinic submitted a 1 week old blood sample for an insulin to glucose ratio and was incorrectly diagnosed with an insulinoma. The dog was placed on prednisone and began vomiting and became profoundly depressed. Dog was presented to another…
Bladder lesion in a 11yr old FS Chihuahua X
11 yr old FS Chihuahua X initially presented for shaking, diarrhea, and resolving pancreatitis Initial abdominal ultrasound was unremarkable except for a 7.0mm focal wall thickening in the bladder just proximal to the cystourethral junction. Bladder tumor antigen test was positive. U/A was wnl with no evidence of infection or inflammation. Follow up ultrasound performed…
Chronically thirsty 10 month old dog with an elevated SDMA
-10 month old 20kg mn mixed breed dog presented for complaint of lifelong mellow behavior and drinking excessive amounts of water. -CBC, Chem prof and T4 are all wnl except for an elevated SDMA of 25. A follow up SDMA was performed 1 month later and was at 26. -Urinalysis was wnl and showed a…
Ultrasound companies that service the Mylabs alpha
I am looking for alternatives to Esaote’s overpriced service package. Do any of you know of any ultrasound companies in the US that will provide repair service and overnight loan service for the mylabs alpha? Would appreciate any and all suggestions. Thank you!
Severe sublumbar lymphadenopathy in a painful 3 year old intact male Golden Retriever
– 3 year old intact male Golden Retreiver who lives in a rural area presented for a chronic rear leg lameness that suddenly became acutely painful -PE showed a painful caudal abdomen and palpable caudal abdominal mass -Radiographs showed a soft tissue density in the caudal abdomen causing ventral displacement of the colon. Radiographic images…