Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis in a 6 year old FS Cairn Terrier

Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis in a 6 year old FS Cairn Terrier

6 year old FS Cairn Terrier on Actigall for an emerging gallbladder rmucocele fist diagnosed in October of 2014. Ultraound done in Jan of 2015 showed no significant changes, however, the dog was asymptomatic and the liver enzymes had improved with medical management (antibiotics and ursodiol). CBC and chem profile done 2 weeks ago were…

Pancreatitis, pancreatic neoplaisa, or mesenteric root neoplasia

9 yr old MN Min Pin presented for routine annual exam. Abdominal palpation and radiographs revealed an abdominal mass (clumping of the intestines). When scanning the dog, I could not find a mass, per se.  However, the right limb of the pancreas appears  hypoechoic with some calcification, there is irregular, echogenic fat in the cranial…

Pancreatitis, pancreatic neoplaisa, or mesenteric root neoplasia

9 yr old MN Min Pin presented for routine annual exam. Abdominal palpation and radiographs revealed an abdominal mass (clumping of the intestines). When scanning the dog, I could not find a mass, per se.  However, the right limb of the pancreas appears  hypoechoic with some calcification, there is irregular, echogenic fat in the cranial…

Chronic hepatomegaly in a 10 yr old FS Collie

Presented initially 1 and 1/2 years ago for elevated liver enzymes of 2 years duration, patient was asymptomatic Abdominal US showed diffuse hepatomegaly

Chronic hepatomegaly in a 10 yr old FS Collie

Presented initially 1 and 1/2 years ago for elevated liver enzymes of 2 years duration, patient was asymptomatic Abdominal US showed diffuse hepatomegaly

Chronic hepatomegaly in a 10 yr old FS Collie

Presented initially 1 and 1/2 years ago for elevated liver enzymes of 2 years duration, patient was asymptomatic Abdominal US showed diffuse hepatomegaly

Inappetent rabbit

2 year old FS rabbit with a history of inappetence Bloodwork shows an elevated ALT Ultrasound showed a normal liver, normal kidneys, normal bladder, and lots of gas in the GI tract The stomach wall was normal but the lumen seemed distended although all I could see was strong shadowing. Is this normal rabbit stomach…

Inappetent rabbit

2 year old FS rabbit with a history of inappetence Bloodwork shows an elevated ALT Ultrasound showed a normal liver, normal kidneys, normal bladder, and lots of gas in the GI tract The stomach wall was normal but the lumen seemed distended although all I could see was strong shadowing. Is this normal rabbit stomach…

Inappetent rabbit

2 year old FS rabbit with a history of inappetence Bloodwork shows an elevated ALT Ultrasound showed a normal liver, normal kidneys, normal bladder, and lots of gas in the GI tract The stomach wall was normal but the lumen seemed distended although all I could see was strong shadowing. Is this normal rabbit stomach…

Cystic lesions in a feline liver

12 year old mn DSH with history of weight loss despite good appetite Owner feeds cat by hand in small amounts and does not keep track of how much :(. Recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (T4=7.0) but is well controlled on methimazole (T=1.5). Bloodwork and radiographs were nonremarkable. Abdominal ultrasound shows a few small focal areas…

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