Asymptomatic cat with elevated WBC ct

Sonopath Forum

Asymptomatic cat with elevated WBC ct

  • New client presented with asymptomatic senior cat.  Senior bloodwork showed an increased wbc- 26000 (neutrophilia, lymphopenia), normal U/A, and normal profile/thyroid, adv recheck CBC – after Convenia injection given 7/23/20, WBC count improved to 18000 but neutrophilia persists. Cat continues to eat and drink normally.
  • Radiographs show decreased detail in the cranial abdomen and increased opacity in the caudal left lung field.
    • New client presented with asymptomatic senior cat.  Senior bloodwork showed an increased wbc- 26000 (neutrophilia, lymphopenia), normal U/A, and normal profile/thyroid, adv recheck CBC – after Convenia injection given 7/23/20, WBC count improved to 18000 but neutrophilia persists. Cat continues to eat and drink normally.
    • Radiographs show decreased detail in the cranial abdomen and increased opacity in the caudal left lung field.
    • Abdominal ultrasound shows hypoechoic nodules and echogenic fat in between the stomach and the liver.  Spleen and liver show decreased echogenicity.  The left pancreas appears normal.
    • R/O’s include reactive lymph nodes, neoplasia (LSA, carcinoma), pancreatic nodules, pancreatic carcinoma, or pancreatitis.  
    • I can’t do FNA as there is no window (would have to go through liver or stomach).  Exploratory seems radical for an asymptomatic patient.  Offered FNA of spleen and liver, but that has been declined for now.  
    • Any other thoughts?




The liver looks dark as well

The liver looks dark as well as those hot LNs .. They are rounded and very hypoechoic worries about lsa here but lymphadenitis possible. I would fna and culture the lNs and fna the liver for sure.

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