Aortic body tumor or HSA

Sonopath Forum

Aortic body tumor or HSA

  • 11 year old FS Bichon presented for 2-3 week history of weakness, lethargy, and a 3 day history of inappetence.
  • PE showed pale mucous membranes and HR=150 bpm.
  • Echocardiogram shows pericardial effusion and a solid mass infiltrating the right atrium, right ventrical, right ventricular and pericardial space.  RP LVOV and LP Cranial axis views show the mass to also be in close association with the aorta. Echogenic foci are seen within the mass. Pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade are seen.
    • 11 year old FS Bichon presented for 2-3 week history of weakness, lethargy, and a 3 day history of inappetence.
    • PE showed pale mucous membranes and HR=150 bpm.
    • Echocardiogram shows pericardial effusion and a solid mass infiltrating the right atrium, right ventrical, right ventricular and pericardial space.  RP LVOV and LP Cranial axis views show the mass to also be in close association with the aorta. Echogenic foci are seen within the mass. Pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade are seen.
    • What is the most likely scenario here….Aortic body tumor invading the RA, RAU, RV, and pericardial space or is this a right atrial tumor that is spreading?  The signalment and large size of the mass make me think ABT, but the images show the main mass to be invading the RA and RV.  
    • The owners have declined additional work-up but I am just curious for future reference since an HSA has a poor prognosis but an ABT can potentially respond to radiation therapy.



Im betting HSA here

Im betting HSA here especially given the mass in the right vent. free wall junction with the right atrial free wall and is more hypoechoic typical of sarcoma. ABTs tend to be more echogenic and stay on the aorta/heart base. The pc effusion by HSA is frank blood where ABT effusions tend to be serohemorrhagic.

Curbsdie guide has a nice chapter on this with Peter’s influence/experience:


Thanks Eric.  I did read that

Thanks Eric.  I did read that chapter in the Guide and found it to be very helpful :).



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