Adrenal mass

Sonopath Forum

Hello, I would like your help to confirm that this is a mass of the caudal pole of the left adrenal please?

Hello, I would like your help to confirm that this is a mass of the caudal pole of the left adrenal please?

  • 4.5 year old MN Fox Terrier
  • Mildly elevated liver enzymes, intermittent vomiting, pu/pd, bladder stone removal (calcium oxolate) a few weeks prior, urine sg 1.010
  • On abdominal ultrasound he has signs of mild/chronic pancreatitis, a small bladder calculi and what appears to be a mass of the caudal pole of the left adrenal gland. Right adrenal gland appears normal to me. The images are a bit brighter than on my machine, sorry about the quality. 
  • I have recommened a LDDST as calcium oxolate stones are associated with Cushings disease.
  • Would you aspirate this mass? Is it possible to differentiate between an adenoma/carcinoma?



I’m not sure why these images

I’m not sure why these images didn’t attach earlier. 


This looks like mes LN to me

This looks like mes LN to me and see my arrows on best angle for fna and note the mesenteric artery. If you are too medial and deep in your approach to the adrenal you will image the mes LN thats enlarged in this case. Go back and approach the left adrenal by running the aorta to the left renal artery positions 4 and 5 sdep protocol if you dont have the download for the sdep abdomen protocol you can get it here…

or the poster here

 LN enlargement … likely reactive LN fits best with the clinical history as well.



Thank you, that’s what I was
Thank you, that’s what I was unsure of so very helpful.

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