4 year old FI Dachshund 4th litter 4 days prior. Presented for tachypnea. Day after whelping vomiting. Started on antibiotics for suspected metritis (CSU report says fluid in uterus on AFAST). Day 4 BW – severe thrombocytopenia, normal WBCs, PCV/TP 30/5.4, albumin 1.4. Thoracic rads – unstructured interstitial to alveolar pattern, suspected pneumonia or hemorrhage. La:Ao on TFAST =1. Owners say they have retrieved all 5 placentas from litter of 5. Metritis vs. placentas? Italian paper indicating difficulty differentiating placentas from involuted uterus?
Could be dealing with post-partus involution.
Link to a review: https://www.ivis.org/library/recent-advances-small-animal-reproduction/ultrasound-imaging-of-reproductive-tract-of-bitch
Looks like retained fetuses expiring during gestation and not expelled.