Sonopath Forum

– 5 month old male Savannah cat presented with a large kidney for ultrasound – clinically well

– right kidney severely enlarged and cystic with some swirling echogenic debris

– left kidney appears normal, and no cysts seen in the liver or pancreas

Could this be PKD? I have recommended nephrectomy (after checking renal values).

This is a breeder’s cat – is it worth screening the rest of the litter?

– 5 month old male Savannah cat presented with a large kidney for ultrasound – clinically well

– right kidney severely enlarged and cystic with some swirling echogenic debris

– left kidney appears normal, and no cysts seen in the liver or pancreas

Could this be PKD? I have recommended nephrectomy (after checking renal values).

This is a breeder’s cat – is it worth screening the rest of the litter?




I dont think this is pkd


I dont think this is pkd but more like congenital hydronephrosis with this age and no parenchyma and uniform dilation… only the capsule left. I have had one case of this that I thought was a stricture went to floro and they decided it was congenital hydro. because there was no stricture.

Yes screen the litter…. when they have been spayed have to consider ligature stricture with these presentations.

In PKD you have loculated cysts within the parenchyma like this one in the basic search of the archive but there are many others as well. Just search “polycystic”


I dont think this is pkd


I dont think this is pkd but more like congenital hydronephrosis with this age and no parenchyma and uniform dilation… only the capsule left. I have had one case of this that I thought was a stricture went to floro and they decided it was congenital hydro. because there was no stricture.

Yes screen the litter…. when they have been spayed have to consider ligature stricture with these presentations.

In PKD you have loculated cysts within the parenchyma like this one in the basic search of the archive but there are many others as well. Just search “polycystic”


I had one of these yesterday

I had one of these yesterday in a Corgi with what appears to be congenital hydronephrosis on the left side but forming severe CaOx stones in the right also.  No ureterolith or hydroureter is noted in the attached case, but none the less there’s nothing left of this kidney but a capsule of cortex.


I had one of these yesterday

I had one of these yesterday in a Corgi with what appears to be congenital hydronephrosis on the left side but forming severe CaOx stones in the right also.  No ureterolith or hydroureter is noted in the attached case, but none the less there’s nothing left of this kidney but a capsule of cortex.


If there are stones in the

If there are stones in the picture then these are usually complete hydronephrosis and potentially infected given the echogenic material. Stones pass and striucture and chronic hydro occurs but if the other kidney compensates then the patient may only be a little ADR and owner takes it as “Normal” then you scan him an dhere you go or you come in for a “mass.”


If there are stones in the

If there are stones in the picture then these are usually complete hydronephrosis and potentially infected given the echogenic material. Stones pass and striucture and chronic hydro occurs but if the other kidney compensates then the patient may only be a little ADR and owner takes it as “Normal” then you scan him an dhere you go or you come in for a “mass.”

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