Referred for an abdominal ultrasound for possible renal dysplasia. rDVM had not run a UA yet, so that is pending, but mild increases in BUN, creat, Phos and SDMA. Kidneys look normal to me other than some mild mineralization at the sinus. I am always nervous about missing renal dysplasia, so would love some conformation that things look ok. Adrenals were on the low end of normal thickness and he has a mild incr. in lymphocytes, so I’ve recommended they start with the UA and a basal cortisol. Current on Lepto vaccine and asymptomatic for any renal issues
Would not consider renal
Would not consider renal dysplasia with these images. How elevated were the renal values? – do need a UA and SG. Basal cortisol also a good idea.
Look normal to me, consider
Look normal to me, consider addisons, acute insult like lepto, toxin or other.
Here are some more typical renal dysplasia cases form the basic search archive