interstitial nephritis?

Sonopath Forum

interstitial nephritis?

7 year old MI Shih Tzu with anorexia and lethargy.  BUN  33, Phos 9.9, normal creat, mild dec. WBC, ALT 248, ALP 826.  Ultrasound showed enlarged, bright liver, mild sludge adhered to mildly thickened GB wall, adrenal glands were 1 cm at the poles and the prostate looked like BPH.  UA declined.  Could you please comment on your impression of these kidneys?

7 year old MI Shih Tzu with anorexia and lethargy.  BUN  33, Phos 9.9, normal creat, mild dec. WBC, ALT 248, ALP 826.  Ultrasound showed enlarged, bright liver, mild sludge adhered to mildly thickened GB wall, adrenal glands were 1 cm at the poles and the prostate looked like BPH.  UA declined.  Could you please comment on your impression of these kidneys?



Both kidneys are normal in

Both kidneys are normal in size and contour. They both exhibit cortical hypertrophy with multifocal hyperechoic foci and decreased CM distinction secondary to increased medullary echogenicity. The hyperechoic foci in the cortices may represent pinpoint areas of fibrosis or microinfarctions. I dont see any evidence of inflammation around the kidney or pelvis dilation. Overall, the changes in the kidneys look chronic. 

I would suggest a UA with UPC even if no gross proteinuria.

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