severe SAS

Sonopath Forum

– 5 year old MN Boxer 51kg with history of a heart murmur since birth now having episodes of syncope

– echo consistent with severe SAS  (max aortic velocity measured at 5.95m/s – not shown in image below); AI present and mild MR

– no LAE or LV wall hypertrophy at this stage; HR 119 BPM

Don’t most dogs die before this age?  He needs cruciate surgery but I am concerned that he won’t live long enough to benefit from it. Should it be attempted?

– 5 year old MN Boxer 51kg with history of a heart murmur since birth now having episodes of syncope

– echo consistent with severe SAS  (max aortic velocity measured at 5.95m/s – not shown in image below); AI present and mild MR

– no LAE or LV wall hypertrophy at this stage; HR 119 BPM

Don’t most dogs die before this age?  He needs cruciate surgery but I am concerned that he won’t live long enough to benefit from it. Should it be attempted?




From my experience they start

From my experience they start getting clinical when > 5 m/sec over some time but if not chasing things around this may go on longer wihtout clinical signs. There is maybe some lv hypertrophy here compensating but its not overwhelming. Being a boxer though this doesnt mean he doesnt have boxer cmy as well and is having arrythmagenic episodes causing the syncope. Maybe holter him as well to see if arrhythmagenic episodes are in play as well as eventual atenolol for the SAS oif not contraindicated based on the ecg results. We have Hiolters wiht cardiologist read if need be just email


Thanks EL. Did an Alive Cor

Thanks EL. Did an Alive Cor ECG at the tiime of the echo and didn”t see anything odd but a Holter is a good idea for sure.

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