Differentials for liver mass

Sonopath Forum

Differentials for liver mass

– 11 yr old FS Golden Ret presented for an acute onset of epistaxis; no other symptoms

– bloodwork  ALP 921 (5-160), ALT 200 (18-121) all else including CBC and platelet count wnl; LDDST wnl

– PT/PTT pending

– left liver lobe (lateral lobe?) mass on u/s which is hypoechoic to the rest of the liver (good spot for surgical removal)

– core biospy of liver scheduled pending PT/PTT results

Differentials for mass? Would it be best to biopsy the mass and the rest of the liver?

– 11 yr old FS Golden Ret presented for an acute onset of epistaxis; no other symptoms

– bloodwork  ALP 921 (5-160), ALT 200 (18-121) all else including CBC and platelet count wnl; LDDST wnl

– PT/PTT pending

– left liver lobe (lateral lobe?) mass on u/s which is hypoechoic to the rest of the liver (good spot for surgical removal)

– core biospy of liver scheduled pending PT/PTT results

Differentials for mass? Would it be best to biopsy the mass and the rest of the liver?




It looks left medial and ony

It looks left medial and ony minor deviation from normal architecture. Im betting on hepatoma and needs removal to prevent torsion. Maybe carcinoma low grade but would likely need core bx to differentiate adequately.


Thank-you EL – will see what

Thank-you EL – will see what biopsy tells us

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