Pyelonephritis puppy

Sonopath Forum

Pyelonephritis puppy

– 7 month old, F Lab Ret with hisotry of recurrent UTI’s

– has had two, two week courses of antibiotics (Clavamox and then Baytril in evening) after cullture (E. Coli); does great when on meds (not dribbling as in ecotopic ureters)

– after finishing last round of Baytril, started stranguria and repeat culture showed E.Coli sensitive to everything

– uls normal urinary bladder/trigone and left kidney; right kidney pylectasia and inflammation at the pelvis;dilation of proximal ureter (no dilation seen distally) Right kidney size > than Left

– 7 month old, F Lab Ret with hisotry of recurrent UTI’s

– has had two, two week courses of antibiotics (Clavamox and then Baytril in evening) after cullture (E. Coli); does great when on meds (not dribbling as in ecotopic ureters)

– after finishing last round of Baytril, started stranguria and repeat culture showed E.Coli sensitive to everything

– uls normal urinary bladder/trigone and left kidney; right kidney pylectasia and inflammation at the pelvis;dilation of proximal ureter (no dilation seen distally) Right kidney size > than Left

– no stones on x-ray or on ultrasound

My plan is a prolonged course (6-8weeks) of antibitoics. I am concerned about using Baytril this long due to potential for cartilage damage in a patient this age so have selected Clavamox. Will recheck u/s and culture once done.


1. Does this look like pyelonephritis

2. Will the pelvis and proximal ureter normalize once the infection is cleared or will scarring occur – I assume proximal ureteral dilation is due  to decreased tone from infection?




yes pyelonephritis/pyoureter

yes pyelonephritis/pyoureter but any chance of ectopic ureter here distally? The bright ill defined fat in the renal pelvis suggests inflammation and if the dilation is not from pyelonephritis then have to condsider renal dysplasia.


No urinary incontinence or
No urinary incontinence or dribbling and I did not see any abnormalities at the trigone or proximal urethra however it was on my mind. Dog is big enough for cystoscopy so I will do this next if this plan doesn’t work.

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