Source of canine heart murmur?

Sonopath Forum

Source of canine heart murmur?

– 6 yr old FS Havenese witha newly diagnosed heart murmur that rDVM thinks has gotten louder over a few weeks of diagnosing it

– grade 2-3/6 which I heard best on the left side

– dog has had a recent history of vomiting and fever (now better); bloodwork unremarkable; 4Dx results pending

– echo shows normal LA and good systolic function so I am not overly concerned about this heart

– mild TR with a max vel of about 2 m/s (underestimated); Pulmonary and aorta max vel both under 2m/s

– 6 yr old FS Havenese witha newly diagnosed heart murmur that rDVM thinks has gotten louder over a few weeks of diagnosing it

– grade 2-3/6 which I heard best on the left side

– dog has had a recent history of vomiting and fever (now better); bloodwork unremarkable; 4Dx results pending

– echo shows normal LA and good systolic function so I am not overly concerned about this heart

– mild TR with a max vel of about 2 m/s (underestimated); Pulmonary and aorta max vel both under 2m/s

– I don’t think I see MR and the mitral valves look relatively normal; no evidence of VSD

– does the RV wall look a little thick?

So why does this dog have a murmur? The TR is likely too mild to hear? This echo was performed with butorphanol/acepromazine/atropine sedation. The dog can be very nervous in the hospital. The rDVM was concerned about the possibility of endocarditis but I can’t see evidence of this. He placed the dog on an empirical course of clindamycin.

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