
Sonopath Forum

– this is the colon of an estimated  5 year old  MN DSH who lives in a shelter

– history of chronic diarrhea; the colon palpated firm and ropey upon abdominal palpation; mild anemia on bloodwork; Feleuk/FIV negative

– the colon is disffusely thickened with a hyperechoic mucosal layer.

– there is some loss of layering detail seen in some segments but I can see layers although altered

– the R medial iliac LN was hypoechoic and enlarged

– this is the colon of an estimated  5 year old  MN DSH who lives in a shelter

– history of chronic diarrhea; the colon palpated firm and ropey upon abdominal palpation; mild anemia on bloodwork; Feleuk/FIV negative

– the colon is disffusely thickened with a hyperechoic mucosal layer.

– there is some loss of layering detail seen in some segments but I can see layers although altered

– the R medial iliac LN was hypoechoic and enlarged

– the ileal muscularis layer was mildly thickened the ICJ and the IC LN’s prominent but rest of GI unremarkable

DDX: ulcerative colitis, lymphoma, mast cell, FIP, carcinoma

FNA of the thickened colon wall was performed with cytology pending

I am leaning toward colitis with this one as the wall layering appears to be maintained. Any thoughts?






I’m leaning toward

I’m leaning toward granulomatous colitis too but colonic mast cell can do this and dry form FIP as well. Not an lsa or carcinoma pattern too echogenic and diffuse. Colonospcopy should help as well and the lesions are luminal extended.

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