Renal Neoplasia?

Sonopath Forum

-8 yr old FS Basset Hound preseneted for weight loss and shaking, pu/pd

– mild azotemia (BUN 16.8, Cre 172) urine SG not taken unfortunately

– rad’s show bilateral renomegaly

– both kidneys enlarged on ultrasound with decreased CM distinction and abnormal parenchymal structure

– pyelectasia

– no LN’s or ascites seen

-8 yr old FS Basset Hound preseneted for weight loss and shaking, pu/pd

– mild azotemia (BUN 16.8, Cre 172) urine SG not taken unfortunately

– rad’s show bilateral renomegaly

– both kidneys enlarged on ultrasound with decreased CM distinction and abnormal parenchymal structure

– pyelectasia

– no LN’s or ascites seen

I have never seen canine kidneys like these. If this was I cat, I would be concerned about lymphoma. I recommended full u/a and culture and renal FNA but owners are leaning toward euthanasia. Does this look like renal neoplasia?

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