ectopic ureter rule out

Sonopath Forum

Ellie is a 10 month old large mixed breed that presented for incontinence. She is incontinent. WE rule out UTI, urolith, crystalls. Now the question is : Can we say there is no ectopic ureter based on this US exam/ findings. I can see the opening / flushes of both ureters but the right one is so much stronger then left that I wonder if I should see 2 “flashes ” that should liik the same?


Thank you,


Ellie is a 10 month old large mixed breed that presented for incontinence. She is incontinent. WE rule out UTI, urolith, crystalls. Now the question is : Can we say there is no ectopic ureter based on this US exam/ findings. I can see the opening / flushes of both ureters but the right one is so much stronger then left that I wonder if I should see 2 “flashes ” that should liik the same?


Thank you,




I think I see two jets making

I think I see two jets making ectopic ureter less likely

I will wait and see what others say.


Seems to be two jets and

Seems to be two jets and cannot visualize the ureters – making an ectopic ureter unlikley. Bladder neck seems dilated, which could account for the incontinence. Would suggest contrast study of the bladder. 


Looks pretty clean to me nice

Looks pretty clean to me nice images! Ectopic ureters usually bypass the trigone and enter into the urethra or bury into the wall..even at the apex. Sometimes they are tough to see when young but when they get older they are pretty easy to see sonographically with the views your got. essentially extra tube not the uterus and doesnt light up on power doppler:)

Check these confirmed ectopic ureters in the search:


Thank you.

Thank you.

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