Lymphangiectasia pattern but without diarrhea

Lymphangiectasia pattern but without diarrhea

A 7-year-old female neutered cross breed dog was reffered for abdominal ultrasound with the complain of chronic vomiting which happens twice per week in the morning. On ultrasound, many small intestines show lymphangiectasia pattern with mucosal striations. Some loops normal, some mild to moderately affected. Ascites was present with hypoalbuminemia of 1.5g/dL. But interestingly, as…

Left Atrial Presuure, Pulmonary Edema and its contribution to Pulmonary Hypertension

Dr. Modler was discussing left atrial pressure in relation to pulmonary venous hypertension with left heart failure(LHF), pulmonary vascular hypertension and the degree in which LHF could contribute to pulmonary hypertension. He mentioned that a left atrial pressure of 40mmHg was consistent with pulmonary edema(CHF). I don’t understand why the LAP would need to be…

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