suspect prolific bladder tumor vs. polypoid cystitis

suspect prolific bladder tumor vs. polypoid cystitis

14 year old FS DSH.  Initial inappropriate urination and hematuria in October.  Full workup at nearby referral hospital including blood work (mild azotemia), abdominal ultrasound (one proliferative mass appearing region ventral bladder wall 1.8 cm long and two smaller dorsal mass like/proliferative regions dorsal wall to the right in trigone region), and UA (marked hematuria…

suspect prolific bladder tumor vs. polypoid cystitis

14 year old FS DSH.  Initial inappropriate urination and hematuria in October.  Full workup at nearby referral hospital including blood work (mild azotemia), abdominal ultrasound (one proliferative mass appearing region ventral bladder wall 1.8 cm long and two smaller dorsal mass like/proliferative regions dorsal wall to the right in trigone region), and UA (marked hematuria…

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