Mineralized mass of the spleen

Mineralized mass of the spleen

Hello, This is a 14 years old M/N Bichon that was diagnosed with an abdominal mass during a routine PE . Patient has CRD, moderate increase in ALKP, dental disease; not symptomatic Patient has a splenic mass, no free fluid ; owner understands malignant vs benign but declined FNA due to old age My question:…

Mineralized mass of the spleen

Hello,   This is a 14 years old M/N Bichon that was diagnosed with an abdominal mass during a routine PE . Patient has CRD, moderate increase in ALKP, dental disease; not symptomatic  Patient has a splenic mass, no free fluid ; owner understands malignant vs benign but declined FNA due to old age  My…

Is it gastric ulcer

Three-year-old female spayed Shih Tzu was presented with acute onset of vomiting at 2AM on Sunday. The dog vomitted about 20 times before presentation. In the last few vomits, the owner observed some fresh blood also. There was no blood in the vomitus initially. Dog was comfortable on abdominal palpation. CRT was nomal and there…

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