Maine coon controll

Maine coon controll

This is the controll of the cat, Stuki( after 2 weeks furosemide) The pericardial effusion has nearly wanished, the pleural effusion also. Culture negative. Corona negative. -i have never seen in the liver such a congestion ( the bloood flow is so low-that i can see the cells turbulating in the liver) The ascites is…

Echocardiography Textbook Recommendations

I need a new echocardiography book.  I have the 2008 Tilley Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiology which is good but outdated.  I have Nyland and Mattoon as well as Pennick’s ultrasound books.  I love my curbside book 😉 especially for quick references.  What I am looking for is something additional that is detailed, current,…

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