lumpy kidneys with regolith

lumpy kidneys with regolith

7 yr. FS cat w/ renal azotemia (moderate) and UTI.  Shadowing of pelvis bilaterally and both kidneys have a 2.5 mm renolith, but not seeing evidence of ureteral obstruction.  Renal pelvis and proximal ureters both at high end of normal (2 mm).  Wondering about the corex parenchym appearing so lumpy and sectional -mostly hypoechoic w/…

lumpy kidneys with regolith

7 yr. FS cat w/ renal azotemia (moderate) and UTI.  Shadowing of pelvis bilaterally and both kidneys have a 2.5 mm renolith, but not seeing evidence of ureteral obstruction.  Renal pelvis and proximal ureters both at high end of normal (2 mm).  Wondering about the corex parenchym appearing so lumpy and sectional -mostly hypoechoic w/…

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