lymph node pathology kitty

lymph node pathology kitty

Shadow is a 16 yr old fs DSH presented for weight loss and lethargy.  She had a fever of 104.4.  Her labs showed her to be hypert4 (t4 7.2) and she had an elevated WBC (43,000) with a left shift (2426 bands).  I was wondering about the hyperechoic material in this node.  The images are…

lymph node pathology cat

Shadow is a 16 yr old fs DSH kitty that presented for weight loss and lethargy.  She had a fever 104.4.  Lab work showed her to be hyperthyroid (T4 7.2)  and she had a wbc of 43,000 with a left shift (2365 bands).  These are clips from the ICCJ area.  Was wondering about the hyperechoic…

Gastric Pathology

Simon is a 12 year old male neutered DSH with a history of intermittent vomiting (about 1 time per week) with some weight loss. To be fair the owner has placed him on a diet. Physical exam is unremarkable except for some dental disease. X-rays were unremarkable. Lab work- totally normal. I did this scan…

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