Kitten Heart Murmur

Kitten Heart Murmur

Tomorrow I have a cardiac ultrasound scheduled for a 3 month old shelter kitten that the shelter vet thought had the “loudest heart murmur he has ever heard”. I have not listened to the kitten yet so am not sure what type of murmur it is. The shelter is interested in knowing if this kitten…

Gallbladder disease in a cat

7-8 year old FS DLH one month history of clinical jaundice marked weight loss, intermittent vomiting, eating, no diarrhea, PLAYFUL T bili 12, mild elevations of liver enzymes What is going on in this cat’s gallbladder? Owner reluctant to pursue surgery unless prognosis likely to be fair to good. Just never seen anything like this…

Bird ultrasound

Q: a practice asked me to ultrasound a bird which i have never done. Does anyone have any tips? Thanks, Jeff

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