mixed echogenic fulsiform ligament

mixed echogenic fulsiform ligament

i’m just trying this out. I’d like to see if I can post a case. This is a 10 year old DSH presented for vomiting and anorexia. CBC, Biochem panel normal. No PLI done. UA not done by RDVM. Ultrasound revealed multiple hypoechoic nodules on pancreas. Only other abnormality was a loss of homogeneity of the fulsiform…

Ever Wondered What This Structure Was?

[videoembed id=6952] right coronary artery No this is not a heartworm but the right coronary artery that is present in every heart of you get the right angle.

gall bladder problem

These images are from a 9 yr old Shih-Tzu mc. Had 2 courses of palladia for a mast cell tumor. Had a liver biopsy 10-9-2011 that was read as a hepatopathy with centrilobular cholestasis and rare individual cell necrosis. He was on pred ursodiol. 2 weeks ago he got sick. sonogram done then were read…

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