Who can you go to when you have a problem?

Sonopath Forum

Who can you go to when you have a problem?


There are those moments when one could definitely use some guidance, either managing a difficult client, an issue with a co-worker, or the occasional crabby doctor.


There are those moments when one could definitely use some guidance, either managing a difficult client, an issue with a co-worker, or the occasional crabby doctor.

  • Is there a “true” issue or could it be that you have not had your caffeine quota of the day?  Has your “better half” been making life difficult at home?  Maybe your children have had you up half the night and you are beyond exhausted?
  • Is it weighing heavy enough on your mind that you just have to say something, or can you let it go because maybe it’s not that big of deal?

Sometimes problems at work can be chalked up to personality clashes or differing opinions on how things should be done.  In this case you can try to work it out and accept your differences, or just have to muddle through and figure out a way to work together for the benefit of your patients.
Other times can be more serious.

  • Is a technician being overly aggressive with the animals?  Do they think they can conquer all living creatures?  Are they strong-arming even the most docile of patients?  This is something that needs to be addressed.
  • Is someone performing treatments incorrectly, not giving treatments at the correct times or not doing them at all but documenting that they were done in the patient’s chart?  This is a problem.
  • If you are comfortable you can try to address the issue with the “offender” first.  If you have a head technician, this would be a good person to go to secondarily.  If the situation does not seem to be resolving, go to your office manager, and then finally a doctor.

You should always follow your instincts of what is right.  You may ruffle some feathers along the way, but as a technician you have a strong backbone.  Ultimately this will make for a less stressful working environment and you will be providing better care for your patients which of course is the goal.

  • Having issues within your department?
  • If we work together maybe we can find a solution to your problem or situation.  Just ask, we are here for you.
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