We would love to see some veterinary technician images.

Sonopath Forum

We would love to see some veterinary technician images.

We would love to see some of your interesting hospital pictures everyone!  It is so easy to post in the forum and you can easily use images taken with a smartphone, IPad or digital camera.  If you are photographing patients please no names of patients unless it is your personal pet and you choose to do so, and certainly ask permission to photograph in your hospital.  Cool bandage techniques or designs, helpful tips along with pictures, what equipment you can’t live without, interesting habitat set ups for your exotic patients, great radiographs, interesting trauma patients (o

We would love to see some of your interesting hospital pictures everyone!  It is so easy to post in the forum and you can easily use images taken with a smartphone, IPad or digital camera.  If you are photographing patients please no names of patients unless it is your personal pet and you choose to do so, and certainly ask permission to photograph in your hospital.  Cool bandage techniques or designs, helpful tips along with pictures, what equipment you can’t live without, interesting habitat set ups for your exotic patients, great radiographs, interesting trauma patients (once they have been stabilized of course), that favorite patient, etc.  A picture is worth a thousand words, so if you don’t have time to post up a thousand words, ya’ know because you are busy with a blood transfusion, how about a picture with a short paragraph?

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