Vomiting dog

Sonopath Forum

-10 year old female spayed chihuahua mix

-mildly elevated ALT (~200) and SAP (~350), stable for 3 months

-recent history of intermittent vomiting in mornings, not resolved with famotidine and a late night snack

-no weight loss or other GI signs

-still very bright and alert, good appetite

-normal proteins

-hepatomegaly with heterogeneous echotexture

-unilateral mild adrenomegaly

-physical symptoms not compatible with Cushing’s syndrome (USG ~ 1.040)


-10 year old female spayed chihuahua mix

-mildly elevated ALT (~200) and SAP (~350), stable for 3 months

-recent history of intermittent vomiting in mornings, not resolved with famotidine and a late night snack

-no weight loss or other GI signs

-still very bright and alert, good appetite

-normal proteins

-hepatomegaly with heterogeneous echotexture

-unilateral mild adrenomegaly

-physical symptoms not compatible with Cushing’s syndrome (USG ~ 1.040)


Most of what I found are soft findings and I just wanted an opinion on whether they are likely relevant to this case.  I see mild muscularis thickening in the stomach.  I see a prominent muscularis layer/area at the ICC junction.  I also see linear striations in the duodenum similar to what I’ve seen in lymphangiectasia cases.







Not sure that I see any

Not sure that I see any pathology. 

Still image the muscularis and serosa were not included in the measurement- that being said the duodenum still looks normal to me.

Wait and see what the experts say.


Beautiful ileocecal shot.

Beautiful ileocecal shot. Maybe minor muscularis thickening but you will see this in any vomiting patient. No detail loss. consider food intollerance and helicobacter. scope for bx if non responsive but structurally benign at this point.


Thanks for looking.  Good

Thanks for looking.  Good point about the measurement.


I didn’t see pathology either but wasn’t sure about the linear striations.  We will continue to try medical therapy.






Would also add inflammatory

Would also add inflammatory bowel disease and reflux esophagitis as possible etiologies. 

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