-4 year old MN Aussie/Catahoula mix
-presents for evaluation of recent onset of icterus
-mild elevations of ALT, SAP
-Hct 28 yesterday (not repeated today)
-not azotemic
-aside from the kidneys below, all other major organs appeared normal; there is a small hyperechoic “nodule” associated with the jejunal mesentery that I believe is unrelated but I will put an image below in case someone disagrees.
-The left kidney looks terrible and is much bigger than the right (~8.5 vs. ~7.4 in length).
-4 year old MN Aussie/Catahoula mix
-presents for evaluation of recent onset of icterus
-mild elevations of ALT, SAP
-Hct 28 yesterday (not repeated today)
-not azotemic
-aside from the kidneys below, all other major organs appeared normal; there is a small hyperechoic “nodule” associated with the jejunal mesentery that I believe is unrelated but I will put an image below in case someone disagrees.
-The left kidney looks terrible and is much bigger than the right (~8.5 vs. ~7.4 in length).
-I am assuming the primary ddx is lepto but I haven’t seen such unilateral renal changes. Other things I should consider?