Is this a true change in the medulla (kidney)

Sonopath Forum

Is this a true change in the medulla (kidney)

Hi all,

We just scanned a 14yo MN DSH with diffuse thickened small intesitnal walls with loss of layering (suspecting neoplasia/lymphoma) But when we scanned the left kidney there was an area of the medulla that appeared hypoecoic and we just wanted to make sure if this is something significant. The cortex at that level looks thinner and so the question is, is this hypoechoic area normal or is there pathology there? Thanks for any input.



Hi all,

We just scanned a 14yo MN DSH with diffuse thickened small intesitnal walls with loss of layering (suspecting neoplasia/lymphoma) But when we scanned the left kidney there was an area of the medulla that appeared hypoecoic and we just wanted to make sure if this is something significant. The cortex at that level looks thinner and so the question is, is this hypoechoic area normal or is there pathology there? Thanks for any input.





The pericapsular ill defined

The pericapsular ill defined line would suggest inflammation but I would pair it with inflammatory sediment in the urine to confirm this theory or a 25 g fna to the cortex. Early renal lsa can do this.


It’s interesting u mentioned

It’s interesting u mentioned inflammation as this cat initially had azotaemia on bloodS and Urine was isothenuric. No culture or cytology was performed. The last 2 repeated bloods have since been normal. U mentioned it would also be early lymphosarcoma. This cat has suspected LSA in the small intestines, is it common to have both renal and GIT LSA at the same time? 

Ps: I work mvdamien, I did the scan by she helped me post as I was Really unwell. Hope that doesn’t cause any confusion. 

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