Tru-Cut biopsies

Sonopath Forum

Tru-Cut biopsies

Hi All

I’m scheduling my first tru-cut biopsy – it’s time for me to branch into doing these instead of just FNAs. Does anyone have a resource for “how tos?” I’m very proficient with FNAs and am ordering some Bard Max-Core biopsy needles ASAP, as recommended per Eric. What I’m wondering is if anyone has tips, experience, resources, etc that might help me move into this procedure.



Hi All

I’m scheduling my first tru-cut biopsy – it’s time for me to branch into doing these instead of just FNAs. Does anyone have a resource for “how tos?” I’m very proficient with FNAs and am ordering some Bard Max-Core biopsy needles ASAP, as recommended per Eric. What I’m wondering is if anyone has tips, experience, resources, etc that might help me move into this procedure.




KV CVT SonoPath

Bard is the SonoPath go to

Bard is the SonoPath go to for Tru cut for sure, here is a link to a great article by Dr. Lindquist about ultrasound-guided sampling procedures.

US-Guided Biopsy

In this procedure we are obtaining Tru-cut sections of tissue to evaluate structure of the parenchyma. This is a more definitive procedure regarding mono-population disease (lymphoma, mast cell disease, carcinoma) but is especially necessary when structural evaluation of the parenchyma is necessary for a diagnosis (hepatitis, fibrosing diseases, copper storage disease, protein losing nephropathy, enteropathy with focal lesions, “bridging” lymphoma/IBD to name a few). This procedure absolutely requires a complete coagulation panel as well as sedation (stage 2 or more of anesthesia).
In a large review of post-biopsy bleeding, a decrease of 2% PCV occurred in patients without complications. Dogs with minor complications had a decrease of 8% in hematocrit whereas major complications had a 12% decrease. Cats had an 8% decrease concurrent with both minor and major complications. Patients that are already anemic prior to the sampling procedure require the utmost caution regarding the interpretation of hematocrit alterations. Fluid administration should also be taken into consideration, as intravenous fluids theoretically could dilute clotting factors although no studies have been found to support this theory.


KV CVT SonoPath

And if anyone else is looking

And if anyone else is looking for the Bard Monopty here is the link for that as well.


Thanks Kelly!

Thanks Kelly!

KV CVT SonoPath

Any time! 🙂

Any time! 🙂

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