Tachycardia in a 14 year old mn Rottweiler

Sonopath Forum

Tachycardia in a 14 year old mn Rottweiler

  • This is a 14 year old mn Rottweiler that belongs to a vet tech.
  • Owner noticed increased respiratory rate and excericise intolerance of 1 week duration.
  • The dog has chronic, severe diskospondylosis and bilateral rear leg neurological deficits.
  • Radiographs show evidence of an old pelvic fracture repair.
  • Recent phys exam reveals tachycardia 140-180 bpm in the clinic.  Chem prof and TP/PCV were normal.
  • Echo was done to rule out heart failure.
    • This is a 14 year old mn Rottweiler that belongs to a vet tech.
    • Owner noticed increased respiratory rate and excericise intolerance of 1 week duration.
    • The dog has chronic, severe diskospondylosis and bilateral rear leg neurological deficits.
    • Radiographs show evidence of an old pelvic fracture repair.
    • Recent phys exam reveals tachycardia 140-180 bpm in the clinic.  Chem prof and TP/PCV were normal.
    • Echo was done to rule out heart failure.
    • Cardiac measurements show evidence of hypovolemia (decreased LVIDd, LVIDs, and increased LVPWd an IVSd).
    • LA is normal in size and subjectively, the right heart appears normal.   There is no MVI present.
    • There are no visible effusions or cardiac masses.
    • In some clips FS is decreased but I suspect this is due to hypovolemia
    • My differentials for the sinus tachycardia include pain and hypovolemia.  Any other thoughts?
    • Image quality is not the best:  dog is barrel chested and I don’t have a preset for that yet….
    • Cardiac measurements are as folows:  LA=26.4, AO=33.3, IVSd=17.4, LVIDd=30.8, LVPWd=15.0, IVSs=19.0, LVIDs=20.8, LVPWs=20.2, FS=29%.
    • Chest rads done post echo showed a mild, broncial pattern which has not progressed since Dec 2015.



The echo if anything has a

The echo if anything has a small LA and contractiulity is fine. I would look for abdominal pathology causing volume contraction. To help on these barrel chested echos, stay near the sternum using sternebra as a window, drop the frequency to 3 mHz and when you find that minor window “beer can up” with pressure to collase the lung. More on this with the SDEP echo progression download if you dont have it these techniques and more you can find in this download to do a very efficient and clean echo… plug plug plug…

SDEP ECHO Progression download



Yesterday I had a 55# lab in

Yesterday I had a 55# lab in that presented with acute vomiting over 24 hours. He has a history of eating paper and towels. X-rays revealed gastric FB.

He was 10-12 percent dehydrated. He had no abdominal pain- but he came in with a HR of 250 and what I thought there was an occasional dropped beat.

After workup his EKG revealed a HR of 150 with sinus tachycrardia.

My point- as EL has stated- look for abdominal pathology.

I have both the abdominal and cardiac SDEP videos and like them very much. I must admit I still have issues imaging intercostal- especially from the R side. I will need to attend one of the live seminars for help.


Thanks  Randy!

Thanks  Randy!


just wondering if you have

just wondering if you have considered atypical Addison’s although some of the symptoms do not fit with it!  Or a sepsis somewhere….  maybe a through blood gas analysis and BP will help????

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