Splenic Myelolipomas/Lymphoma

Sonopath Forum

Splenic Myelolipomas/Lymphoma

This is a 15 year old cat that is anorexic. In the past responded well to Prednisolone trial for presumptive IBD/Lymphoma.

U/S findings : Multiple hyperechoic nodules in the spleen, Hyperechoic liver, SI-duodenum have an increase muscularis to mucosa ratio and even more pronounced like 2: 1 Muscularis to mucosa in ileum. Reactive fat surrounding ICCJ. My questions for you:

-would you recommend FNA Spleen or this looks like Myelolipomas-incidental?

-based on Ileum appearance can I suspect Lymphoma?

Thank you.

This is a 15 year old cat that is anorexic. In the past responded well to Prednisolone trial for presumptive IBD/Lymphoma.

U/S findings : Multiple hyperechoic nodules in the spleen, Hyperechoic liver, SI-duodenum have an increase muscularis to mucosa ratio and even more pronounced like 2: 1 Muscularis to mucosa in ileum. Reactive fat surrounding ICCJ. My questions for you:

-would you recommend FNA Spleen or this looks like Myelolipomas-incidental?

-based on Ileum appearance can I suspect Lymphoma?

Thank you.



these are likely myelolipomas

these are likely myelolipomas but when i see a bunch of them ain a clinical cat or dog I fna because on rare occasion I have come up with mast cell in these scenarios but have no idea if it was just underlying or not. The spleen here is otherwise nsf… no capsular bulging or enlargement. reactive fat in ICJ area though and 1:1 musc/mucosal ratio so keep an eye on that.


thank you

thank you

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