shunt? which type?

Sonopath Forum

shunt? which type?

This is another small breed dog- 2 years old, she has severe anorexia, ataxia, apathia, blood sugar low.

BA test is pending

I have found the v cava very enlarged, and a large red vessel is running to it from the side of the aorta.( Diamterer is aprox.3,7 mm)

The v. oprtae gives a blue vessel down wards- to the direction of the v cava- mybe this vessel is doing a loop-and turns back to the cava, and enters to it?

gastrocaval shunt?

Is operation an option? The dog is really is a poor condition- i am concerned about the general anaesthesia.

This is another small breed dog- 2 years old, she has severe anorexia, ataxia, apathia, blood sugar low.

BA test is pending

I have found the v cava very enlarged, and a large red vessel is running to it from the side of the aorta.( Diamterer is aprox.3,7 mm)

The v. oprtae gives a blue vessel down wards- to the direction of the v cava- mybe this vessel is doing a loop-and turns back to the cava, and enters to it?

gastrocaval shunt?

Is operation an option? The dog is really is a poor condition- i am concerned about the general anaesthesia.

What conservative treatement do You advice for strengthen the dog before surgery?

Thank You!




The blue vessel in the third

The blue vessel in the third video could be a splenocaval shunt (blue) as it drives dorsally but i would get CT confirmation if all else fits such as ub sand or stones, swollen kindeys with stones and microhepatica +/- protein C. The first video red vessel is in the posiiton of the celiac or hepatic artery unless that’s the end of the loop and is heading back to the cvc & your probe hence being red. Can’t tell any more though. Careful on vessels looking like they are entering the cvc as they may be superimposing at an anlge. Be sure to get transitional doppler flow from the shunt into the cvc fluently to confirm.

Here are some confirmed shunts from the sonopath basic search archive to evaluate:


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