Severe Cystitis versus Neoplasia

Sonopath Forum

Severe Cystitis versus Neoplasia



Wondering if you would put neoplasia in front of cystitis on this cat. This is a M/N DSH that had a PU done 4 years ago. After a recent history of overdistended bladder and incontinence ( in the last 5-6 months) he presented with severe Hematuria. CBC, Chem are WNL, good urine concentration, possible UTI ( Culture pending).He’s not blocked; voiding normally.His kidneys are normal but the bladder is tickened and irregular, the wall measuring up to 0.4 cm in some areas. There is a soft tissue masslike structure that didn’t pick up collor. So to me it still can be a clot.Trigone area looks clean.

I’m posting some images. I ‘m considering treating as for cystitis( for 5-7 days) and if no improvment to consider traumatic catheterization aspiration with cytopathology.


Thank you,






Any changes in the sediment?

Any changes in the sediment? With the history chronic cystitis seems more likley but need to exclude neoplasia – if urine culture negative would do a traumatic catherization before symptomatic therapy


Any changes in the sediment?

Any changes in the sediment? With the history chronic cystitis seems more likley but need to exclude neoplasia – if urine culture negative would do a traumatic catherization before symptomatic therapy


SEdiment: Bacteria moderate,

SEdiment: Bacteria moderate, Transitional epithelial 1-5/HPF; rbc >50 hpf; wbc 20-30 HPF, no crystalls.

Questions: for traumatic catheterization the bladder should be empty, right?What catheter do you recommend. If I use a 5 fr. red rubber would work ? do I collect the sample in a sterile tube and send for cytology or better if I make slides?




SEdiment: Bacteria moderate,

SEdiment: Bacteria moderate, Transitional epithelial 1-5/HPF; rbc >50 hpf; wbc 20-30 HPF, no crystalls.

Questions: for traumatic catheterization the bladder should be empty, right?What catheter do you recommend. If I use a 5 fr. red rubber would work ? do I collect the sample in a sterile tube and send for cytology or better if I make slides?




I agree more likely cystitis

I agree more likely cystitis but enough changes to merit traum cath. Here is th edescription of the procedure. TCC, polypoid cystitis, bladder lsa, all possible.


I agree more likely cystitis

I agree more likely cystitis but enough changes to merit traum cath. Here is th edescription of the procedure. TCC, polypoid cystitis, bladder lsa, all possible.


The PU will predispose the

The PU will predispose the cat to recurrent bacterial infections, which fits in with the urine sediment changes and the changes to the bladder wall. But as mentioned above neoplasia needs to be excluded.


The PU will predispose the

The PU will predispose the cat to recurrent bacterial infections, which fits in with the urine sediment changes and the changes to the bladder wall. But as mentioned above neoplasia needs to be excluded.


Thank you both. After 3 days

Thank you both. After 3 days of NSAID’s the bladder wall is  50 % thinner and I don’t see the previous structure . Suspect was just a  clot. Most likelly Cystitis




Thank you both. After 3 days

Thank you both. After 3 days of NSAID’s the bladder wall is  50 % thinner and I don’t see the previous structure . Suspect was just a  clot. Most likelly Cystitis




I would keep an eye on it…

I would keep an eye on it… maybe recheck in a few weeks


I would keep an eye on it…

I would keep an eye on it… maybe recheck in a few weeks


will do. cc

will do. cc


will do. cc

will do. cc

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