Renal failure young cat

Sonopath Forum

Renal failure young cat

Hi I had a patient come in last night, a 3 year old cat who appeared to have chronic renal failure or possibly acute on chronic.

  • USG 1.012, proteinuria, inactive sediment
  • azotemia/hyperphosphatemia (creatinine 5.2 mg/dl), hypokalemia
  • non-regenerative anemia (20% pcv in very dehydrated patient). 
  • globulins 6.1 g/dl 
  • Felv/FIV neg

Owner reported he had been eating less and less over the past few months.  He had lost approximately half of his body weight.

Hi I had a patient come in last night, a 3 year old cat who appeared to have chronic renal failure or possibly acute on chronic.

  • USG 1.012, proteinuria, inactive sediment
  • azotemia/hyperphosphatemia (creatinine 5.2 mg/dl), hypokalemia
  • non-regenerative anemia (20% pcv in very dehydrated patient). 
  • globulins 6.1 g/dl 
  • Felv/FIV neg

Owner reported he had been eating less and less over the past few months.  He had lost approximately half of his body weight.

Are these images consistent with FIP or lymphoma?  We are trying to assess prognosis for this poor kitty since o is a student.  Thanks for any help.  jas  








KV CVT SonoPath

Hi, you can look at the

Hi, you can look at the kidneys in this case of a 1-year-old MN DSH cat with FIP for some comparison with your images:

A SonoPath (DVM or DMV) specialist will respond to your post as well. 🙂



Unlikley lymphoma as kidneys

Unlikley lymphoma as kidneys of of normal size. FIP and congenital renal disease would be two most likely diagnoses. With the urinalysis and blood work changes, prognosis is very poor.


OK, thanks, I suspected this

OK, thanks, I suspected this would not be good.  🙁  jas

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