Rabbit Liver

Sonopath Forum

One of my DVM clients had an ADR rabbit walk in the door while I was scanning another patient.  The rads on the rabbit showed a radio-opaque region in the right liver .  Just for kicks, I put my probe on the liver.  This is what I saw…any thoughts?  Sorry, no video clips.

Right Liver

One of my DVM clients had an ADR rabbit walk in the door while I was scanning another patient.  The rads on the rabbit showed a radio-opaque region in the right liver .  Just for kicks, I put my probe on the liver.  This is what I saw…any thoughts?  Sorry, no video clips.

Right Liver

Left Liver

Right Liver

[videoembed id=6907] [videoembed id=6908] [update 5-18-2012]

  • Lab abnormalities included hypoalbuminemia, mild anemia, mild lymphopenia and neutrophilia.



Melissa I would really love
Melissa I would really love video clips on this. looks like an emerging Gb mucocele but havent ever seen it in a rabbit. Liver enzymes ok?


Melissa I would really love
Melissa I would really love video clips on this. looks like an emerging Gb mucocele but havent ever seen it in a rabbit. Liver enzymes ok?


I found 2 video clips and
I found 2 video clips and posted them above. I don’t know if blood work was done but will try to find out.


I found 2 video clips and
I found 2 video clips and posted them above. I don’t know if blood work was done but will try to find out.


Melissa I am not a rabbit
Melissa I am not a rabbit expert but I would think that if the GB and liver were an issue there would be some LE elevation, The lymphopenia anemia and neutrophilia would suggest bone marrow issue depending if regenerative or not. I would get a cbc path review from the lab by someone that does rabbit cytology and then bone marrow fna. Maybe a shopping spree of liver and spleen fna and put it all together. The albumin loss would suggest more Gi or renal so check for proteinuria. Liver looks is goo enough shape so not likely coming from that. That being said the GB is pretty sludgy but I dont think its a player right now. I dont even know if you can use actigal in rabbits. Anyone into exotics out there? Dr. Sedlacek?


Melissa I am not a rabbit
Melissa I am not a rabbit expert but I would think that if the GB and liver were an issue there would be some LE elevation, The lymphopenia anemia and neutrophilia would suggest bone marrow issue depending if regenerative or not. I would get a cbc path review from the lab by someone that does rabbit cytology and then bone marrow fna. Maybe a shopping spree of liver and spleen fna and put it all together. The albumin loss would suggest more Gi or renal so check for proteinuria. Liver looks is goo enough shape so not likely coming from that. That being said the GB is pretty sludgy but I dont think its a player right now. I dont even know if you can use actigal in rabbits. Anyone into exotics out there? Dr. Sedlacek?

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