- 4 month old male English Bull Dog with loud bilateral basilar murmur, clinically normal to owner
- Severe pulmonic stenosis diagnosed…just a few questions please
- Is this a hypoplastic annulus and partially fused valve?
- Is there an anomolous coronary artery, I am not sure if I can see end on to right of PV on videos? Or would you need angiogram to check for this?
- What is the prognosis with and without intervention please?
- 4 month old male English Bull Dog with loud bilateral basilar murmur, clinically normal to owner
- Severe pulmonic stenosis diagnosed…just a few questions please
- Is this a hypoplastic annulus and partially fused valve?
- Is there an anomolous coronary artery, I am not sure if I can see end on to right of PV on videos? Or would you need angiogram to check for this?
- What is the prognosis with and without intervention please?
Yes, I agree, fused
Yes, I agree, fused leaflet, hypoplastic annulus.
RE coronary anomaly: This is difficult to rule out on echo alone. I usually do a cardio-CT-scan before valvuloplasty.
If coronary anomaly present: dilate with smaller balloon and see what happens
If no coronary anomaly: try to balloon. If pressure gradient does not drom sufficiently, open surgery is recommended (approx 10.000 Euro)
Re Prognosis: cool study by chiara locatelli (see attachment)
Very nice clips!
Very helpful, thank you
Very helpful, thank you Peter.