Sonopath Forum


This is an 11 years old F/S papillon. Albumin is 1.7, normal liver enzymes and Bile Acids, minor abdominal effusion, not proteinuric.

Gave 12 ml of Corn oil and I can see the “foggy mucosa with speckling” . Highly suggestive of PLE, do you agree?

What is the stomach wall hypoechoic nodule? I assume only endoscopy or gastrotomy to biopsy the stomach structure?

Thank you,



This is an 11 years old F/S papillon. Albumin is 1.7, normal liver enzymes and Bile Acids, minor abdominal effusion, not proteinuric.

Gave 12 ml of Corn oil and I can see the “foggy mucosa with speckling” . Highly suggestive of PLE, do you agree?

What is the stomach wall hypoechoic nodule? I assume only endoscopy or gastrotomy to biopsy the stomach structure?

Thank you,




yep so much mucosal fogging

yep so much mucosal fogging you coulD drive a ship through it:) Very nice corn oil test especially in videos 1 and 3. PLE protocol here is what I do:

PLE Therapy

OBJECTIVE: keep albumin levels > 2 g/dl, Avoid thromboembolism and cavitary effusions, monitor concurrent PLN (Wheaton Terrier PLE/PLN) and liver disease:

Plasma 10 mL / kilogram IV over 4 hours

Or Human albumin 2 ml/kg/h over 10 hours. Total daily volume 20.l/kg/day

And Colloids/Hetastarch

10 to 20 mL per kilogram per hour and dogs

10 to 15 mL per kilogram per hour cats

(Can bolus first 1/3 of dose over 15 minutes)

& maintain on LRS maintenance otherwise.

Metronidazole (10-20 mg/kg po bid)

Famoditine 1 mg/kg Iv Im po dc Sid /bid

Sucralfate 0.5-1 g po tid dogs, 0.5 g bid cats in slurry Or Misoprostol 1-5 ug/kg po tid

Diet: Highly digestible high quality protein, low fiber, low fat diet (< 15% of dry matter). Hydrolyzed protein or novel protein. Purina HA or Royal Canine HP or similar.

Prednisone or prednisolone 2 mg/kg bid x 3-5 days then 2 mg/kg sid. Chlorambucil in refractive severe IBD/alimentary lymphoma cases (monitor cbc for  rare bone marrow suppression)  4 mg/m2 Q 24-48 hours.

Cobalamine (B12) 250-1500 ug/dog weekly x 6 weeks.

Calcium supplementation if necessary.

Aspirin 0.5-1 mg/kg/day or Clopidrel (Plavix) 1-5 mg/kg/day.


Any idea what the hypoechoic

Any idea what the hypoechoic nodule is in the stomach? I am curious too.


Thank you EL.
Stomach wall is

Thank you EL.

Stomach wall is also suggestive of PLN but what about that “nodule”? Would that be associated with PLE or should I worry for emerging neoplasia?


That hypoechoic structure can

That hypoechoic structure can be soft food cluster, dissolving pill…  its luminal. Occasionally epithelial tumor but those pick up power doppler so drop that on this thing next time if its still there but most of these things go away when luminal.


Thank you again. I did try
Thank you again. I did try dopler and no vessels. Will monitor


Thank you again. I did try
Thank you again. I did try dopler and no vessels. Will monitor

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