Pancreatitis, pancreatic neoplaisa, or mesenteric root neoplasia

Sonopath Forum

Pancreatitis, pancreatic neoplaisa, or mesenteric root neoplasia

  • 9 yr old MN Min Pin presented for routine annual exam.
  • Abdominal palpation and radiographs revealed an abdominal mass (clumping of the intestines).
  • When scanning the dog, I could not find a mass, per se.  However, the right limb of the pancreas appears  hypoechoic with some calcification, there is irregular, echogenic fat in the cranial right abdomen, cranioventral to the right kidney and caudal to the stomach.
  • After I was done scanning the dog, I was shown a radioglogy report suggesting that this dog has mesenteric root neoplasia.
    • 9 yr old MN Min Pin presented for routine annual exam.
    • Abdominal palpation and radiographs revealed an abdominal mass (clumping of the intestines).
    • When scanning the dog, I could not find a mass, per se.  However, the right limb of the pancreas appears  hypoechoic with some calcification, there is irregular, echogenic fat in the cranial right abdomen, cranioventral to the right kidney and caudal to the stomach.
    • After I was done scanning the dog, I was shown a radioglogy report suggesting that this dog has mesenteric root neoplasia.
    • This dog is completely asymptomatic.
    • I was told the mass was in the mid to caudal abdomen, so I kept looking for a mass that did not exist.
    • Could the cranial right abdominal irregular fat and pancreas be emerging neoplasia?  Could this be scarring from previous pancreaitis?

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