Pancreas mass

Sonopath Forum


This is Phoebe a 10 year old Bichon with vomting and diarrhea that will not resolve with aggressive treatments.

We Performed an abd US and found a mass caudal to the stomach with the same echogenicity as the spleen. We traced it in every direction and could not get it to connect. On the first image I belive I can see the pancreas ventral to the spleen, and ventral to the splenic vein connect with this mass.

This is the proper location for the pancreas. It appears as though there is a duct within the mass as it does not has blood flow.


This is Phoebe a 10 year old Bichon with vomting and diarrhea that will not resolve with aggressive treatments.

We Performed an abd US and found a mass caudal to the stomach with the same echogenicity as the spleen. We traced it in every direction and could not get it to connect. On the first image I belive I can see the pancreas ventral to the spleen, and ventral to the splenic vein connect with this mass.

This is the proper location for the pancreas. It appears as though there is a duct within the mass as it does not has blood flow.

I was hoping for some insight on whether this is the pancreas. If it is, what would be the suspected pathology of a pancreas with this echogenicity.

Thanks. Brent

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