OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! How is this cat even walking????

Sonopath Forum

OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! How is this cat even walking????

For all the times I wish I had a baseball bat or some needle nose pliers for some people…..What? Who said that?  🙂 Oh this poor sweet creature was unfortunate enough to land in the house of oblivion, but lucky enough that her owners FINALLY brought her in for a nail trim.  Have you ever had an ingrown nail, hang nail, infected cuticle, stubbed toenail? It HURTS!  ….. A lot! We cant even fathom how this cat was walking with any degree of comfort after she presented for a routine tech nail trim appointment.  This is what we found.   

For all the times I wish I had a baseball bat or some needle nose pliers for some people…..What? Who said that?  🙂 Oh this poor sweet creature was unfortunate enough to land in the house of oblivion, but lucky enough that her owners FINALLY brought her in for a nail trim.  Have you ever had an ingrown nail, hang nail, infected cuticle, stubbed toenail? It HURTS!  ….. A lot! We cant even fathom how this cat was walking with any degree of comfort after she presented for a routine tech nail trim appointment.  This is what we found.   

 The nails on this poor creatures front paws were so overgrown they had curled up in through her toe pads not once, but TWICE! Yowza.

We clipped the nails out, cleaned her wounds and soaked her feet in a warm Nolvasan bath.  Ahh, just soaking them made all of the techs feel better.  🙂 She felt better too as she sat there quiet as a mouse just thankful that someone had given her some much needed relief.

Our helpless victim Skylar.

What made us feel worse was that we had adopted this cat out to this family several years before and now she has suffered.  What to do?  What I wanted to do was tell them “How dare you?! How could you?! Why did you let her suffer day after day hobbling around on those sore feet?” And some other choice comments that I won’t include here.   Somehow I was able to maintain my composure (not an easy task), which you have to do if you want to keep a civil relationship with the client not for their business, but to keep tabs on the cat.

I educated the client as much as I could about the pain the cat was in, how we as humans would be wailing in the same situation, etc.  Because if you think about it how super owie are paper cuts?  Ridiculously so.

So now our friend Skylar’s chart is riddled with alerts and do not adopt notes, but the owner has promised to bring her in for a recheck and more frequent nail trims.  Thank goodness.  



Sad to say I’ve seen this
Sad to say I’ve seen this happen too many times. Educating the client is number one and yes, I always add in a little guilt trip. Have the owners see the wounds, I use the word pain many times in the conversation and yes follow up phone calls reminding them to come in for the recheck and then monthly calls for nail trims. It’s very lucky that Skylar has you!


Sad to say I’ve seen this
Sad to say I’ve seen this happen too many times. Educating the client is number one and yes, I always add in a little guilt trip. Have the owners see the wounds, I use the word pain many times in the conversation and yes follow up phone calls reminding them to come in for the recheck and then monthly calls for nail trims. It’s very lucky that Skylar has you!

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