Movin’ on Up? Getting somewhere in your Veterinary Clinic.

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Movin’ on Up? Getting somewhere in your Veterinary Clinic.

Veterinary Technician, Veterinary assistant, front desk reception, etc… You love your job of course, because you love animals and are devoted to contributing to their medical care and overall well-being. Something to be proud of for certain. But where can you go from here? First, consider what you do on a daily basis and what you love to do.

Veterinary Technician, Veterinary assistant, front desk reception, etc… You love your job of course, because you love animals and are devoted to contributing to their medical care and overall well-being. Something to be proud of for certain. But where can you go from here? First, consider what you do on a daily basis and what you love to do.

  • Are you the mega tech that practically lives at your animal hospital and stops in on your days off to check on your patients just to see how they are? Do you have great ideas regarding schedules, rotations, the surgery line up for the day, and love to be wholly involved in training new technicians? You sound like you would make a great Head technician.
  • Are you touched by the human-animal bond through life, sickness, and then the inevitable final goodbyes? What about taking on the responsibility of being a Grief counselor or End of Life care counselor at your clinic?
  • Are you a super duper people person? You know every single client and patient by name, the special diet they always buy, and all of their other pets names that were left at home? You know that their dog “Murphy” only likes the beef treats but their cat “Snookums” will only eat the salmon treats in a blue bowl? Yeah…you know who you are. 😉 You could be a fantastic Client relations advisor.    

There are plenty of staffers out there who shine and have real passion for certain special areas in the clinic. If your hospital does not have delegated positions approach your manager or doctors and discuss how beneficial it would be.

  • A head technician would help the daily flow of the animal care in the clinic while getting the staff to increase their efficiency in a constructive way. A head tech should not be barking orders, no pun inteneded. (Well maybe a pun was intended.) 🙂
  • I bet the doctors would love to be able to offer their client, “Mrs.Smith”, some time to talk to a grief counselor. I bet the client would be appreciative as well. End of life care can be very difficult to handle emotionally and financially. You can help keep them informed and make difficult decisions a little easier as they prepare to say goodbye.
  • A client relations advisor could assist those somewhat needy clients, deal with the unhappy camper client, and make sure everyone walking through those doors is welcome and appreciated.

If you prove your worth in a specialized area you should be in line for an increase to your paycheck as well. Please discuss this along with your ideas of a creating a titled position from the beginning so everyone involved is on board and knows what to expect as the position develops.  Good Luck!


P.S. Don’t throw your new title around other staffers like it is a pillow case full of bricks. Titles just describe your position and what you do. It does not give you the right to be a big meanie. 🙂



I am all for seeing the need
I am all for seeing the need and creating the position to fill it!

As a relative newbie struggling with some of this (sigh) and therefore would appreciate this type of person, what about a Social Media Coordinator to manage the hospital webpage/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest etc? This would be great for someone who lives for this stuff (possibly one of the younger staff members) and also has a solid sense of the role of social media for a business, and an appreciation for the goals of their own hospital.

Another idea would be Adoption Agency Liason, to coordinate the numerous groups that hospitals often do charity work for, but need to balance because we can’t do everything for everyone. This person could create and maintain programs, including adoption days, that benefit the shelters but also benefit the hospital via turning those adopted pets into patients of the hospital. This would take a lot of load off the owner who is constantly bombarded with requests from shelter coordinators, and make it a win-win situation for all parties.


I am all for seeing the need
I am all for seeing the need and creating the position to fill it!

As a relative newbie struggling with some of this (sigh) and therefore would appreciate this type of person, what about a Social Media Coordinator to manage the hospital webpage/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest etc? This would be great for someone who lives for this stuff (possibly one of the younger staff members) and also has a solid sense of the role of social media for a business, and an appreciation for the goals of their own hospital.

Another idea would be Adoption Agency Liason, to coordinate the numerous groups that hospitals often do charity work for, but need to balance because we can’t do everything for everyone. This person could create and maintain programs, including adoption days, that benefit the shelters but also benefit the hospital via turning those adopted pets into patients of the hospital. This would take a lot of load off the owner who is constantly bombarded with requests from shelter coordinators, and make it a win-win situation for all parties.

KV CVT SonoPath

Oh definitely! I think there
Oh definitely! I think there is a need for positions that can incorporate hospital needs and an individual’s strength’s and passion in a specialized area. It promotes better care, can boost your team’s confidence and personal responsibilities too.

KV CVT SonoPath

Oh definitely! I think there
Oh definitely! I think there is a need for positions that can incorporate hospital needs and an individual’s strength’s and passion in a specialized area. It promotes better care, can boost your team’s confidence and personal responsibilities too.

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