lymph node pathology cat

Sonopath Forum

lymph node pathology cat

Shadow is a 16 yr old fs DSH kitty that presented for weight loss and lethargy.  She had a fever 104.4.  Lab work showed her to be hyperthyroid (T4 7.2)  and she had a wbc of 43,000 with a left shift (2365 bands).  These are clips from the ICCJ area.  Was wondering about the hyperechoic material in the center of the node.  Cat is doing better after and injection of Convenia

Shadow is a 16 yr old fs DSH kitty that presented for weight loss and lethargy.  She had a fever 104.4.  Lab work showed her to be hyperthyroid (T4 7.2)  and she had a wbc of 43,000 with a left shift (2365 bands).  These are clips from the ICCJ area.  Was wondering about the hyperechoic material in the center of the node.  Cat is doing better after and injection of Convenia



The hypoechoic area is

The hypoechoic area is present in both the LN and the intestinal wall with mural detail loss so suspect lsa and possible mct or dry FIP… abscessing lymphadenitis/ complicated IBD possible with a bad bug as well I would fna the LN and intestinal wall and culture the LN as well.


The hypoechoic area is

The hypoechoic area is present in both the LN and the intestinal wall with mural detail loss so suspect lsa and possible mct or dry FIP… abscessing lymphadenitis/ complicated IBD possible with a bad bug as well I would fna the LN and intestinal wall and culture the LN as well.


With the appearance of the

With the appearance of the intestine and lymph node and with leucocytosis aand pyrexia, focal intestinal perforation needs to be considered.


With the appearance of the

With the appearance of the intestine and lymph node and with leucocytosis aand pyrexia, focal intestinal perforation needs to be considered.

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