low albumin thick stomach

Sonopath Forum

low albumin thick stomach

This is a 6 yr old Boston Terrier male intact with weight loss and diarrhea.  The small bowel looked ok but the pyloric area looked abnormal.  These clips are from that area.

This is a 6 yr old Boston Terrier male intact with weight loss and diarrhea.  The small bowel looked ok but the pyloric area looked abnormal.  These clips are from that area.



Any history of vomiting?

Any history of vomiting?

Not sure about your images- but with weight loss and diarrhea I would be most concerned about small bowel disease. 

Post some images of the small bowel


Any history of vomiting?

Any history of vomiting?

Not sure about your images- but with weight loss and diarrhea I would be most concerned about small bowel disease. 

Post some images of the small bowel

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