Liver masses

Sonopath Forum

  • 10 year old FN JRT with cushings disease, on trilostane
  • Progressive abdominal swelling, recent vomiting and diarrhoea with mild pyrexia
  • Multiple heterogenous liver masses, some distorting contour, also lymph node enlargement
  • The adrenal glands to not appear to be the primary cause
  • What would your top differential for this be? Are there any clues to differentiate between different neoplasias (carcinoma, lymphoma, mct, sarcoma etc) Owner is considering sampling….


  • 10 year old FN JRT with cushings disease, on trilostane
  • Progressive abdominal swelling, recent vomiting and diarrhoea with mild pyrexia
  • Multiple heterogenous liver masses, some distorting contour, also lymph node enlargement
  • The adrenal glands to not appear to be the primary cause
  • What would your top differential for this be? Are there any clues to differentiate between different neoplasias (carcinoma, lymphoma, mct, sarcoma etc) Owner is considering sampling….





I would use a 25g fna in a

I would use a 25g fna in a variety of the parenchymal echotextures to rule out carcinoma here which is a primary concern. 22 g in the LN in video 3.

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