Linear structures on ventral urinary bladder wall

Sonopath Forum

Linear structures on ventral urinary bladder wall

Hi everyone, 

Dog is a 13 year old female neutered cocker spaniel that was presented for chronic urinary tract infection. Previous culture grown positive for proteus mirabilis. The infection will clear (negative culture) and recur again. This have occurred for over a year now.

The urinary bladder wall was thickened on the cranio-ventral region measuring up to 0.63cm and there were a few linear structures attached to the ventral bladder wall with evidence of vascularisation.

Hi everyone, 

Dog is a 13 year old female neutered cocker spaniel that was presented for chronic urinary tract infection. Previous culture grown positive for proteus mirabilis. The infection will clear (negative culture) and recur again. This have occurred for over a year now.

The urinary bladder wall was thickened on the cranio-ventral region measuring up to 0.63cm and there were a few linear structures attached to the ventral bladder wall with evidence of vascularisation.

I’m just wondering if anyone knows what those linear structures in the urinary bladder were and if this could be the reason for the recurring urinary tract infection?




Lighting up like a Christmas

Lighting up like a Christmas tree. Polypoid change?

I am attaching an US from VIN that shows bladder polyps. These tend to have a linear appearance

to them.

This also looks very similar to a forum post I made some time ago.

EL protocol to treat this chronic cystitis worked great for Sweet Pea


Yeah, I was thinking along

Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of polypoid cystitis as well but the linear appearance threw me off. Glad to know bladder polyps can be linear in appearance:) Will give the chronic UTI protoccol a go!


Thank you!!


At first this looked like

At first this looked like emphysematous cystitis to me but the colour flow would not fit? Perhaps twinkling artifact and not true colour flow? We’ll see what the experts think!


I was thinking ghosts

I was thinking ghosts attached like mucous strands but just looking on the phone app. Proteus sure fit as ghosts run with proteus. Will elaborate after im on computer again.

I cannot for the life of me figue out why you are getting a doppler signal on that as they are clealy not tissue but mucous strands/ghosts and the doppler signals seem excessive for normal tissue anyway… even for the most inflamed polyp. Let me get the austrian and german brains on this lol

medically this is a long term AB clearance issue 6-8 weeks with repeat cultures,,, baytril if C&S supports its use. Look for predisposing issues like u incontinence thats sublinical or local derm issues around the pipe.


These are cristalloid crusts

These are cristalloid crusts from severe chronic cystitis with either dystrophic mineralisation of the UB wall or impacted UB sand. They are not vascularized. These are just Doppler twinkle artifacts that actually help identify those as solid material. But this is not compatible with vascularisation at all.



There is a condition referred

There is a condition referred to as encrusting cystitis secondary to Corynebacterium urealyticum infection, which resembles what you are describing above. Consider getting your lab to culture for this organism.

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