Kidney Mass

Sonopath Forum

  • 8 year old Collie presented depressed and vomiting, bloods severe polycythemia (HCT 77%)
  • Mass on caudal pole of left kidney with localised steatitis, the mass did not appear to be vascular, also pelvic dilation (was on IVFT but right kidney appeared normal)
  • Do you think this is a neoplastic mass? Waiting for permission to sample…

  • 8 year old Collie presented depressed and vomiting, bloods severe polycythemia (HCT 77%)
  • Mass on caudal pole of left kidney with localised steatitis, the mass did not appear to be vascular, also pelvic dilation (was on IVFT but right kidney appeared normal)
  • Do you think this is a neoplastic mass? Waiting for permission to sample…



Looks very round cell

Looks very round cell neoaplsia to be… bursting at the seams theme here. Watch the opposite kidney closely as they usually run bilateral… zoom in look at the subtlties or fna screen… carcinoma unilateral, round cell bilateral… but not always.


With the severe polycythemia

With the severe polycythemia would make an erythropoietin producing carcinoma highly likley. If it has not metastatized would need partial/complete nephrectomy.


I do have a couple of cases

I do have a couple of cases of round cell renal neoplasia causing polycythemia… Remo you sent me a reference on that a couple of years ago no?


The following renal tumors

The following renal tumors have been associated with polycythema: renal cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, and lymphoma. Other reported tumors are nasal fibrosarcoma, Schwannoma, and cecal leiomyosarcoma.


Thanks all. I should be able

Thanks all. I should be able to let you know in this one as she has been referred for further treatment.


Cool case. Remo, just

Cool case. Remo, just curious….what is the pathophysiology for non renal tumors causing polycythemia? Are they somehow increasing EPO concentrations or is it related to tumor O2 consumption? 


Diagnosed as lymphoma!

Diagnosed as lymphoma!


Either increased

Either increased erythropoietin production or erythropoietin-like substance but also from tissue hypoxemia.


Ok thanks!

Ok thanks!

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