Obstructive duodenal foreign body in a 12 year old MN DSH cat

Obstructive duodenal foreign body in a 12 year old MN DSH cat

This 12 year old MN DSH cat presented for vomiting and anorexia of 24 hour duration. History of urinary obstruction. Physical exam: 2/6 heart murmur, hypothermic, severerly dehydrated, lethargic CBC/Chem: BUN 98, Crea 5.7, Phos 7.4, TP 8.9, Glob 5.1, Na 12, Cl 93 Urinalysis: trace protein, large amount of cocci, WBCs 2-3/hpf

03_00245 Elroy F Hepatic cystadenoma *BK*

An 11-year-old MN DLH was presented for potential urethral obstruction as he was showing stranguria and hematuria with a history of prior urethral obstruction and idiopathic cystitis. Current diet is c/d, which according to the owner is causing diarrhea.

Urethral obstruction, concurrent pleural effusion, and cranial mediastinal mass in a 10 year old MN DSH cat

A 10-year-old MN DSH with history of urinary blockage was presented for urethral obstruction. The cat had recently been unblocked and was currently on antibiotics. On physical examination the urinary bladder was distended, turgid, and non-expressible. The patient was treated with intravenous fluids and was unblocked. Five small stones were produced. Survey radiographs showed the…

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