Pneumonia diagnosed by FNA of consolidated lung in a 7 year old FS German Shepherd Dog

Pneumonia diagnosed by FNA of consolidated lung in a 7 year old FS German Shepherd Dog

A 7-year-old FS German Shepherd with history of treatment for undiagnosed illness was presented for evaluation of considerable weight loss, weakness, lethargy, coughing up bile, anorexia, not urinating and not defecating. Current therapy was prednisone, sucralfate, and tramadol. Abnormalities on physical examination were weakness and labored breathing. Abnormalities on blood chemistry were moderately elevated ALP…

Left adrenal mass, suspected functional adenocarcinoma, in a 12 year old FS Labrador Retriever

A 12-year-old FS Labrador Retriever, currently being treated with Rimadyl and Tramadol for chronic swollen hocks, was presented for PU/PD and urine leaking urine that had not responded to Proin (phenylpropanalamine). CBC was within normal limits. Abnormalities on blood chemistry were elevated ALT and ALP activity. Adrenal function testing showed elevated urine cortisol: creatinine ratio,…

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